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The primary mission of MSWorld, Inc. is to end the isolation that people experience when diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

MSWorld provides global Internet community support to people living with multiple sclerosis. We strive to create a safe, informative, useful and fun place for people with MS to meet, share ideas and gain useful resources to keep them moving forward while living with MS.

At MSWorld, we are interested in quality of life gained through an active community, shared resources and the use of new technologies to assist people with multiple sclerosis. Visit for more information.

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation

The MSF is a service-based, non-profit organization. The organization provides a comprehensive approach to helping people with MS maintain their health and well-being. Our resources assist people who have MS, their families and caregivers, regional support groups, and healthcare professionals. Access to our programs and services is available through our interactive web site or our national, toll-free helpline staffed by caring caseworkers and peer counselors. Our priority is to serve with empathy, resourcefulness and responsibility. For more information, visit