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Multiple Sclerosis in the News

Over half of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) are considered “highly agreeable,” according to ...
Posted 04/12/2022

Most People With MS Have ‘Highly Agreeable’ Personalities, Study Says

Over half of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) are considered “highly agreeable,” according to ...
Posted 04/12/2022
Although multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be the “snowflake” disease in that no two peopl...
Posted 04/08/2022

5 Ways I Handle Depression While Dealing With MS

Although multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be the “snowflake” disease in that no two peopl...
Posted 04/08/2022
A few years ago, I brought my daughter to a birthday party and struck up a brief conversation wit...
Posted 04/01/2022

Incontinence Woes Only People With MS Will Understand

A few years ago, I brought my daughter to a birthday party and struck up a brief conversation wit...
Posted 04/01/2022
Nutrition plays an important role in overall health for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), and ...
Posted 03/29/2022

5 Eating Tips for People With MS

Nutrition plays an important role in overall health for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), and ...
Posted 03/29/2022
Up until the age of 30, I never really had any major health concerns. I didn’t need to take medic...
Posted 03/25/2022

Why I Manage My Health Like a Business

Up until the age of 30, I never really had any major health concerns. I didn’t need to take medic...
Posted 03/25/2022
Topics related to women’s health are largely under-researched among people with multiple sclerosi...
Posted 03/22/2022

Research on Women With MS Needs More Diversity, Study Finds

Topics related to women’s health are largely under-researched among people with multiple sclerosi...
Posted 03/22/2022
I’ll admit it — I’m a willing guinea pig.I just got home after participating in a study for peopl...
Posted 03/18/2022

3 Reasons Why I’m a Willing Guinea Pig

I’ll admit it — I’m a willing guinea pig.I just got home after participating in a study for peopl...
Posted 03/18/2022
Exercise video games (exergames) may be more effective than conventional balance training in help...
Posted 03/15/2022

Can Video Games Help Improve MS-Related Balance Issues?

Exercise video games (exergames) may be more effective than conventional balance training in help...
Posted 03/15/2022
Most people who have multiple sclerosis (MS) aren’t hospitalized if they get COVID-19, but many a...
Posted 03/11/2022

COVID-19 Symptoms Linger Among People With MS, Study Finds

Most people who have multiple sclerosis (MS) aren’t hospitalized if they get COVID-19, but many a...
Posted 03/11/2022
The Mediterranean, low-carb, and fasting-mimicking diets — when combined with exercise — have a p...
Posted 03/08/2022

Three Diets Found To Have a Positive Impact on People With MS

The Mediterranean, low-carb, and fasting-mimicking diets — when combined with exercise — have a p...
Posted 03/08/2022
MS News
MS News

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