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Your Answers: The Worst MS Advice (Infographic)

Updated on November 13, 2016

We asked and you answered! We posted this question: “What bits of ‘advice’ do you wish people would stop telling you?” — and hundreds of you took the time to respond.

What did we learn? From the unconcerned (“You should get out more”) to the plain unhelpful (“But you look fine”), advice is hurled at us from friends, family, coworkers, even strangers. While most suggestions are probably well-intentioned, hearing them over and over can make us feel that our condition is minimized and misunderstood.

Some of the most common answers we heard:

  • You should get out more.
  • Just push through it.
  • You don’t look disabled.
  • Everyone gets tired sometimes.
  • Have you tried vitamins?
  • You should go back to work.
  • But you look fine.
  • Just move around more.

Everyone’s situation is different and not all of these apply to each person. Tell us: What advice about multiple sclerosis do you wish people would stop telling you?

Updated on November 13, 2016

A MyMSTeam Member

It s funny you say that because very very few people will make any type of remark to me also. Maybe I just dont look to approachable and they figure they better just keep their mouth shut !!

June 2
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Yeah Some Are That Incentive

November 21, 2023 by A MyMSTeam Member 13 answers

Who Else Is Bored?

November 25, 2023 by A MyMSTeam Member 8 answers

Interesting. I Get A Lot Of Those Same Comments. Kinda Rude And Uncaring People.

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